Monday evening saw a gathering of west London's Ping Pong finest to celebrate everything that the Rage has done for our fine club over this last half season. In a mini league set up, The Geordie rage, The Truth, The Tartan Topspin Terror, Pigman, Braveheart and even Spartacus, (the man famed for having played a match in a three piece suit).
An evening of Newky Brown and crisps, where we witnessed all the pent up rage that Rage has to offer, Braveheart and his famous SQUAT SERVE (pictured), Pigman even lost to The Truth (that has never happened. All in all a great night, with a sad aftertaste.
GEORDIE RAGE> you live forever in our hearts, stay in touch and keep playing up in the frozen wastelands, YOU WILL BE MISSED, not only by us but by most of our opponents who I'm sure really enjoyed the severe beatings that you used to dish out.
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