Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Monday evening saw a gathering of west London's Ping Pong finest to celebrate everything that the Rage has done for our fine club over this last half season. In a mini league set up, The Geordie rage, The Truth, The Tartan Topspin Terror, Pigman, Braveheart and even Spartacus, (the man famed for having played a match in a three piece suit).
An evening of Newky Brown and crisps, where we witnessed all the pent up rage that Rage has to offer, Braveheart and his famous SQUAT SERVE (pictured), Pigman even lost to The Truth (that has never happened. All in all a great night, with a sad aftertaste.
GEORDIE RAGE> you live forever in our hearts, stay in touch and keep playing up in the frozen wastelands, YOU WILL BE MISSED, not only by us but by most of our opponents who I'm sure really enjoyed the severe beatings that you used to dish out.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Metal on Metal "BASTARD" from The Glue Society on Vimeo.
How about practice nights with a twist? Every friday night at the Theatre of Tears.
Winner stays on. Who's up first?
Monday, 7 December 2009
Trailer for Jens Jonsson feature debut The King of Ping Pong, competing in the Sundance 2008 festival, Rotterdam international film festival and opening film at the Gothenburg international film festival.
Friday, 4 December 2009

Friday night to any self respecting male normally means two things. Boozing and floozing. Not to the freaks of the Central London Table tennis League it doesn't. Oh no! It means going out in the rain and spending the best part of the best evening of the week, underground in a piss stinking leisure centre, in the recently voted 'Skankiest part of The Shittest side of London,' enjoying the glorious game of kings. Tonight's match was against the nice blokes from Peppermint Pony, for some reason now renamed The Return of Peppermint Pony. Strangely, the tow lads looked no different from the last time these two teams met, when they were just called Peppermint Pony, but they were much improved and even though they were roundly beaten there were some arse-clenchingly big shots being thrown around.
The playing area of the Finsbury Leisure centre is quite intense, in fact it's a bit like the bar scene in STAR WARS with all the weird creatures, but with ping pong tables. And weirder people.
There are fifteen tables and about two hundred people of various shapes, sizes and every time you think you've won a point, you get hit in the face by two balls, and someone shouts 'LET!' and you have to play the point again.
Tonight, "Geordie Rage" Brumby, "Braveheart" Keller and "The Truth" Buonaguidi were not distracted by two balls in the face, and went about their business with ruthless efficiency, their opponents: Simon and Steven capitulated but showed great spirit and played with anger, frustration and reckless abandon. Every now and then, one ENORMOUS shot of agricultural proportions would be unleashed and thwack someone playing thirty feet away in the face. But sadly, it didn't happen often enough to make a difference.
The match was over by 8.25pm and the boys were all in the pub sinking pints and guffawing shortly after.
Another victory.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Following the bizarre "we are likely to lose our unbeaten record, we're fielding a weakened team" email from UCL2, Karmarama2 were wary and suspicious. They needn't have been. UCL2 were telling the truth and The Truth, The Rage and Braveheart, resplendent in DEATH BY PING PONG attire, doled out an 8-2 beating to the leagues top team.
The result was as good as over before a ball had even been served, as only two of the opposition could be arsed to turn up. One a very tall bloke who got easly annoyed about everything and another bloke who looked like Screech from Saved by the Bell. The Truth Buonaguidi was the first to play, and lost a tense 5 setter. Braveheart won both his games convincingly, with some terrificly technical rallies. Then the RAGE appeared and the steam roller gathered speed. Screech and Tall Bloke were both smashed into oblivion, before The Truth reappeared to play his game against Screech. It wasn't a close game, but was amusing, because Buonaguidi employed the youth club serve on several occasionsand annoyed the hell out of Screech who ended up grinding his teeth to stumps before dispatching Karmarama2's weaked player on the night. Thne doubles was a festival of big shots and high quality
rallies. The Rage used Buonaguidis bat "Excalibur" and after getting to grips with it, started throwing some Geordie Bombs about, combined with some powerful shots from Braveheart the match was won in three straight sets.
Back on the winning road. Bring in on.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Something odd happened on the Old Kent Road last night.
A rage so ragesome and rageful was unearthed from the crypt of a church recently condemned by the devil himself.
Three weeks ago Geordie rage was part of a team that doled out an almighty hiding to our nemisis. He returned home and stripped down to his black and white striped TOON underkecks and clambered onto his roof and bellowed, I AM RAGE HEAR ME ROAAAAAARR!!!!! There can be only ONE!!!!!! He then grabbed a cuppa and sat down and watched the box set of Prime Suspect until he fell asleep.
Meanwhile under the church, a stone coffin began twitching, and the lid was dragged off and what emerged has shaken the KARMARAMA 2 squad to its very foundations. Oh FUCK it's SUPER RADGE!!!!
Geordie Rage, Tartan Topspin Terror and Braveheart trooped off to the furthest reaches of sanity trying to complete a 10-0 double whammy but came home with nothing. Nothing but fear.
The match was most notable for Geordie Rage being completely and utterly outclassed. Not on the table - God forbid! - but in the rage department. He was comfortably out-raged! By SUPER RADGE, who was so angry he looked all set to attack his own team mate for having the temerity to be sitting somewhere near his line of site. Could he be John McEnroe's long lost brother? Quite how he'll cope in the confines of our more compact and, how to put it, debris-laden arena will be a wonder to behold!
As for the TT, well all the Irving guys were all very good. Ken their captain, brandished some devious pimpled bat he was happy to tell us would be declared illegal in international competition, and won all his matches. Hmmm.
The Karmarama boys all did their best, but it was not to be. Special mention to Geordie Rage for 3 amazing and close matches,
stuff so amazing that Ken nicely put it after one rally: "that's 1st division material that". If they had charged seven pounds
admission money, I'd have gladly paid it. TWICE. Once for my invisible friends Charlie! Some fantastic Ping Pong, demonstrating brilliant attacks of both wings, and some great tactics too.
The Phoenix nights vibe was certainly in full effect, especially in the final doubles match, when Ken threatened to default his doubles partner due to ungentlemanly conduct towards the opposition. There was hardly a straight face in the house. Pure comedy gold.Geordie Rage may need to think about hiring a ball boy for next week though, to help with towelling off his head between points! haha.
Friday, 13 November 2009
THE TEAM: Justin 'Pigman' Gayner, Campbell 'Braveheart' McKellar, Mark 'Tartan Topspin Terror' Fawbert
Playing ISH 6 is like reading one of your favourite books or taking a shit.
You know what's going to happen, but the ending is always a pleasant surprise.
In this case, the book (or the turd) is ISH 6's Old Man Leo. Although, calling him a faeces is completely and utterly wrong as he's one of the nicest guys on earth. He always brings biscuits (digestives)and shakes your hand after every match. And he always says well done which is lovely.
The thing is that he's 109 years old and although he clearly trains in the gym, he moves really slowly. Gracefully, but dead slow. Like an old ping pong playing pink tortoise.
Now Old Man Leo, as nice as he is, normally brings a load of fucking aggressive twats who just want to smash the hell out of the ball.
This time he brought Desmond Douglas who was incredibly nice, and Chinese Warrior who didn't say much but was clearly a good bloke.
Unfortunately, Douglas and Chinese Warrior were also really fucking good at table tennis. Like serious paid up motherfocking ping pong ninjas. Despite getting beat, Campbell shone during the evening producing some of the most exciting table tennis the club has ever seen. His looped forehand is a truly exceptional work of art and he should sell it for £9.99 in petrol stations. Sadly it wasn't enough and we got beaten comprehensively.
The most shocking news is that one of us even got beaten by Old Man Leo. This has never happened before so he probably went home and pleasured himself for the first time in years. Which is good. But what goes on tour stays on tour and this club is all about unity so it doesn't matter who got beaten by him. The inner pain will be quite enough.
THE TEAM: Justin 'Pigman' Gayner, Campbell 'Braveheart' McKellar, Mark 'Tartan Topspin Terror' Fawbert
Playing ISH 6 is like reading one of your favourite books or taking a shit.
You know what's going to happen, but the ending is always a pleasant surprise.
In this case, the book (or the turd) is ISH 6's Old Man Leo. Although, calling him a faeces is completely and utterly wrong as he's one of the nicest guys on earth. He always brings biscuits (digestives)and shakes your hand after every match. And he always says well done which is lovely.
The thing is that he's 109 years old and although he clearly trains in the gym, he moves really slowly. Gracefully, but dead slow. Like an old ping pong playing pink tortoise.
Now Old Man Leo, as nice as he is, normally brings a load of fucking aggressive twats who just want to smash the hell out of the ball.
This time he brought Desmond Douglas who was incredibly nice, and Chinese Warrior who didn't say much but was clearly a good bloke.
Unfortunately, Douglas and Chinese Warrior were also really fucking good at table tennis. Like serious paid up motherfocking ping pong ninjas. Despite getting beat, Campbell shone during the evening producing some of the most exciting table tennis the club has ever seen. His looped forehand is a truly exceptional work of art and he should sell it for £9.99 in petrol stations. Sadly it wasn't enough and we got beaten comprehensively.
The most shocking news is that one of us even got beaten by Old Man Leo. This has never happened before so he probably went home and pleasured himself for the first time in years. Which is good. But what goes on tour stays on tour and this club is all about unity so it doesn't matter who got beaten by him. The inner pain will be quite enough.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
As a man in my forties I know that I only have maybe twenty years left to be playing the beautiful game at my level, fortunately, The Sherwinator and Helly have discovered a new wonderkid from France called Vladimir Lopes. According to both Helly and The Sherwinator, THIS KID IS MUTARD!!!!! MUTARD TRES, TRES CHAUDE!!!!! At the unveiling of Darius he played a few games and is a real prospect at the highest level.
OH YEAH!!!!!!
In a move that will strike fear and terror into the hearts of our opponents, we have just audaciously signed DARIUS KNIGHT as an OFFICIAL guest member of our fine club. Sadly, he failed to make the grade for tonight's match against FINSBURY LC5. Hopefully with a bit more practice and dedication we can wheel him out in the future.
Next, I will traveling to Germany soon with some cable ties and a bottle of ether to see if I can get Timo Boll to sign.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Here's Rob from Nintendo, our generous sponsor, enjoying the beautiful game on a shoot yesterday. This was shot at a swanky house in Wimbledon and unfortunatly the swimming pool had been built a little too close to the ping pong table and on several occasions the ball ended up on the pool cover, but hey! can't have everything. From now on, Nintendo shoots involving Rob or Walter from Nintendo in Germany will have a table tennis table and balls as part of the rider. Oof!

Ping Pong For Three?
Inventor Secil Boyd’s latest creation may just take the game of ping pong to a new level.
Boyd has successfully prototyped a new three player version of ping pong, cleverly named TriPong, that uses plexiglass “nets” to divide the table into three wedges, one for each player. Each wedge contains a neutral zone and a scoring zone, hit the ball into a players scoring zone and they fail to return the shot, you score. Simple enough.
The TriPong table is currently not available for retail but Boyd is in negotiations with a major sports company to bring the three person ping-pong table to market by the end of 2007.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Kiyoko Endo a 63 year old Japanese lady from Hawaii contacted me a few weeks ago about getting some training at our 'club' while she visited her daughter in Barons Court. She came over and had a couple of sessions with 'The Sherwinator' and we traded t-shirts. You can see me sporting the HAWAII TT CLUB shirt. She looked pretty handy too, and I fear would have kicked my donkey, shame she had to go back , I would have loved to field her in a league match.

Yeah I know, I cant believe it either. Something has happened, either our opposition has become really shit, or, wait for it, we've got a really good team. Three matches, two wins one draw, I couldn't be happier if someone had filled my pants full of used ten pound notes. Last night we took on the might of ISH, a veritable ping pong factory churning out quality player after quality player. As predicted they fielded CHINESE STUDENTS. I predicted CHINESE STUDENTS often spells DANGER. And that means a heavy loss. Counter to what I predicted, someone forgot to tell the Karmarama squad to tread carefully and we walked away with another famous victory on the road. The match was a bit of a scramble at the last minute, but three brave lads, Jim 'Geordie Rage' Brumby who is in a rich vein of form, took the helm, was joined by two virgins: Campbell 'Braveheart' McKellar and Abhishek ' Hurricane Force' Srivastava, both of whom gelled in superfast time to dish out a proper bumsmack to all of our opponents bar one. The ping pong ninja. The unbeatable one. The strangely silent one. The man with no name. The enigmatic one, of much skill but of so little word. Any man who can spend an evening with six other men in a sporting arena and can avoid saying a SINGLE word all night is a man of unbeatable standing indeed. The others were all put to the sword with extreme prejudice. 6-4 to the Karmarama RAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!! WELL DONE BRAVE BOYS!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Ping pong is not a sport you associate with high fashion. It's the sport of the weirdo, in nylon shorts and rayon socks. And a cotton, nylon mix shirt, with stains. Imagine my horror when this little beauty turned up. Matching tracky top and sporty pant. In purple with broad white piping. A look that raised ping pong in the fashion hit parade up five places to a creditable 18th, just above pole vaulting.
Nice one.

Sam ‘The Machine’ Breen is unique. He's the one. Neo. He’s Keanu Reeves with a bubble perm. He’s been playing ping pong for only two months and in his second competitive match he recorded a clean sweep of 3-0 against a good team. It’s never happened before, and I doubt it will ever happen again. A man so naturally gifted, that when he plays, it goes into Matrix vision, and he operates at bullet time. The ball travels at half speed and his bat doubles in size. and he JUST keeps getting it back, again and again. He’s a freak. He’s our freak.

When you watch any of the Final Destination movies, you kind of have a pretty good idea what’s going to happen. Everyone is going to get it. And it’s going to pretty graphic. It’s a given. Matches between Irving and Karmarama have always been the same. Karmarama always lose. Always.
Tuesday, October the 13th saw a dramatic script change.
It was like watching Final Destination 7 expecting to see a slaughter fest and ten minutes in it turns into a Rom com.
Jim ‘Geordie rage’ Brumby, Sam ‘The Machine’ Breen and Dave ‘The Truth’ Buonaguidi ventured to the furthest reaches of the league, New Cross. A land far, far away, of burnt out off-licences and random stabbings, the streets littered with used syringes and artificial legs. These Three Amigo’s sought to overturn sports most one sided historical grudge match. They were pitched against 2 familiar faces and one newbie. Gary Grimshaw and Rona Radenhurst have been the equivalent of human kryptonite to Karmarama over the years and had that kind of swagger that 5 years of non stop victory affords you as they greeted Olympia’s finest and only ping pong team. They were joined by the strangely named Chinese lad, Train.
Yes. Train.
The venue was the newly refurbished sports hall of the All Saints Church and it became the scene of one of the greatest ever exorcisms in history. Even better than the one in the film of the same name.
Karmarama were unstoppable. Geordie Rage properly dismantled Grimshaw. Then The Machine pulled the wings of the fly that was Radenhurst. Next the moment of Truth. Buonaguidi has never fared well against Irving, in fact his record against them is comical. But following his team-mates inspired showing he met Train in a head on collision of ping pong fury. Train came off the tracks, and burst into flames.
Suddenly Karmarama found themselves 3-0 up and Irving were looking like pensioners on a cruise ship in the middle of a hurricane Katrina. Green faces and shitty pants all round.
And it just got worse. Geordie Rage rediscovering the form that made him the Battle Hill Ping Pong champ in 1982 won all three matches with aplomb. Then The Truth won all his three, beating Grimshaw and Radenhurst for the first time in his pathetic little life. Finally, The Machine, who was only in his second competitive match showed skill, judgement, poise, panache and other stuff to sew up a simply majestic victory of epic proportions, and win all his games too. The doubles of Truth and Rage against Grimshaw and Radenhurst won through the make it a clean sweep.
Ten nil.
A victory that will resonate for many years to come.

A month ago, Karmarama discovered a Superhero, Geordie Rage. A man forged in the frozen Northlands of Tyne and Fear. A man who drinks chack for breakfast, lunch and tea and once ate his own leg just for the craik.
A man of so much pent up rage and feral power that he has gone into the Karmarama Hall of Fame, and there isn’t even a Hall of Fame. He is pure Karmaramaness. Big shots, lots of aggression, and a genetic hatred of losing. In fact against Irving he was throwing such big bombs he threw his arse out on two occasions. He is an shining example to us all. Rooooaaaaaaarrrrr!
Friday, 9 October 2009

Finsbury 6 at Home.
Wednesday 7th October was a night of firsts.
First game of the season. First team appearances for Sam "The Machine" Breen and Jim "The Geordie Rage" Brumby. First time the opposing team brought an entire squad of players for a match. First time a point was given away by Karmarama because the table travelled four feet towards the opposition during a heated rally in the doubles.
What a match it was though.
Pigman Gayner saw off Finsbury 6's Christopher Robin comfortably in the first game. . Later, the Pig saw off pencil gripping Rui in a tense match filled with backspin and tentative smashes but later went down to the black-suited French destroyer Maxime "The Pretty Boy" Grenoille. Had he listened to his coach, The Sherwinator, Pig would have used his forehand more. But he pussied it, and got beat like a twat.
Sam "The Machine" Breen lost his Team Karmarama virginity well and good. Yes, he also lost every game, but not without some extremely spirited play. Frustration etched into his face, he looked like a man who wanted the taste of victory badly. Good things come to those who wait, and as most Karmarama players know, this means getting beaten for two years until you play someone on crutches. And even then, you still sometimes get beaten.
Later in the pub, Sam looked shellshocked. We know this feeling and it passes with some attentive therapy. But the man's got natural talent and some time with The Sherwinator will do him much good. One to watch.
The hero of the night, though, was Jim "The Geordie Rage". Beating Rui quite easily, Rage looked like he wanted to damage someone or something very badly when he went down to Maxime "The Pretty Boy". Needing to win his last game to give Karmarama a chance of victory, Rage squared off against the cocky, but highly talented, Hin. The match was one of the greatest ever played at Karmarama. Thrilling rallies, exquisite serving and more emotion than one of those funerals they have in gospel churches in the deep south of America when everyone cries, then sings to really jazzy music, then cries again. After some of the tensest ping-pong known to man, The Rage did away with cocky Hin and literally grew two inches in stature. He now has to buy new trousers and get his shirts adjusted.
Needing to win the last match (the doubles) to draw, Rage and Pigman did battle against Christopher Robin and Cockybastard Hin. As you'll all know, Karmarama excel at doubles, bonding like brothers over ball and bat. Despite the table moving incident (over zealous smashing from The Rage), Karmarama stormed to victory earning the club a draw in the first match of the season.
Man of the match: Geordie Rage.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
For all the new players joining the ranks of this fine club, this is a film made several years ago about Karmarama Ping Pong when we were based in Gresse Street. Your mission is to not be as awful as the players in this film. Sorry Tom.
At this fine club we have a fine tradition of losing with no grace whatsoever. Two fights last year bear testament to this proud history. We do however win with grace and charm, but it happens so rarely that we are very often overcome with surprise and shock. If we win any games this season can we create a winning dance? This is how you do it.

Here are the list of fixtures for October. Last year I listed all the games for the whole season hoping that all you brave players would work out which games you fancied playing in. It didn't work out that way did it? No, you know it didn't. So this time it's just the first 4 games of the season.
Last season we won the first game 10-0.
I know that will never happen again in my lifetime but can we try and get involved?
Homework. Finsbury are a bloody ping pong machine churning out quality players all over the place. They have lots of teams and we are really good at losing against all of them. FIN6 looks like a new team, so BEWARE! But like a football manager on the eve of the new season, my rousing speech goes something like this: OK boys, early doors lets get stuck in and put the bloody boot in, don't let them settle and get an early goal (yeah I know) sit back and hit them on the break and wind them up as much as possible.
Right this lot are a bloody nightmare! All of these boys are defenders and they don't care what time they get home, so if you want to win the match be prepared for a long night. They pissed me off so much last season I snapped my bat over my knee! Stay calm and just keep getting the ball back, and eventually they will mess up. There are two twins and they both play exactly the same (not surprisingly) one is better than the other, but I can't remember which one is which, (not surprisingly). Beatable if you stay cool. Address: All Saints Church, Monson Road SE14 5DJ (Old Kent Road) I want to win it BAD!!!!!
Another odd one this, last years ISH7 won the league but they are now Olympic Karmarama so I haven't got a clue what they will be like. But it's an international college, which means: CHINESE KIDS! Which means: STUDENTS!, which means lots of time to practice. which means we are going to get MASHED!!!!. Helly can help here, the captain is called Vice Starr which sounds like he should be brilliant. Vince Starr Super Star, he could alternatively be a porn star that's crap at the pong. Let's hope so.
Address: ISH, 229 Great Portland street, London W1W 5PN
This lot got relegated from the second division so they will be a bit tasty. they only advice I can give, and I am not at all qualified to give it is: Hit the ball really hard and hope they don't get it back. If they do, hit back again harder. There endeth the lesson.
Friday, 25 September 2009

Many years ago we had two teams representing Karmarama, one very good, one very shit.
Then the first team was disbanded and Super George and the Sherwinator had to play with the dregs of the 3rd division. Exciting News!!!! With the arrival of Sherwin, and the extra coaching that Super George has been putting in, we applied to the league to enter a first team into the second division. Then another miracle occurred. Two in 6 months is pretty cool! Helly Chahal the awesome captain of ISH7 and the team that annihilated allcomers and won the 3rd division at a canter and the Warne Cup last year contacted me and said he wanted to set up a new Karmarama team with his old team and Super George and the Sherwinator. So we did it. The new team is called Olympic Karmarama, and they are super shit hot, and they will play in the second division. They are also playing in another league in London, because they are good and unlike the second team it seems, very keen. Yoinks!

In my book ping pong has always been sexy. Just look at the image of Pigman for confirmation, but this little minx has taken it to new levels.
This is some blurb that goes with the picture.
Japan's Naomi Yotsumoto adds some cosplay to her gameplay.
Things are heating up around the table tennis table! Rocked by the attention "sexy" sports like women's beach volleyball got at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, staid sports such as table tennis are paddling like mad to keep up.
Adored by devoted fans in mainly Asian countries, table tennis has its superstars both male and female - yet neither sex looks very sexy clad in baggy shirts and shorts. All that may change soon, thanks to a concerted push by not only the players, but the governing bigwigs at the International Table Tennis Federation.
Commenting on the issue, ITTF vice-president Claude Bergeret stated "We are trying to push the players to use skirts and also nicer shirts, not the shirts that are made for men, but ones with more curves." Liking!
At the beginning of the year, god decided to bless the nice people of Hammersmith and Chelsea with a miracle of their choice. After much deliberating we sent our request upstairs and sure enough we got an answer. This miracle is up there with the burning bush and turning water into wine, but not quite as good and the parting of the Red Sea because that was really amazing. Anyway, we call it the 'Miracle of Sherwin'. He popped in one dark evening with his wife and said he wanted to practice at our 'club'. Within 30 seconds he was in our squad and was employed as our in-house coach. Most importantly he is sponsored by the Karmarama Ping Pong Club in major tournaments all of the UK (events to follow). He was runner up in the Liverpool Open and lost to Darius Knight in the Lambeth Open and we are entering him into the English Open. Beleive!
Last week we had the Karmarama Open Ping Pong championships. No Dawson, no Super George and no Sherwin, so it was a very open competition, and some great matches were watched by a massive crowd, in fact three new players for the team have been recruited as a result. Allesandro 'The Volcano' Andolina, Jim "Geordie Rage' Brumby and Sam 'Curly Bastard' Breen all join the ranks of London's least successful ping pong team.
Incredibly Jim 'Geordie Rage' Brumby was only invited on the night as he delivered the DJ equipment, hadn't picked up a bat in anger in over twenty years. He soon rediscovered the form of his youth was in fantastic form and even with a shit bat was dropping bombs all over the place and was unlucky not to progress to the final.
The tournament was eventually won by last years losing finalist the enigmatic, charismatic, and all round pretty boy Justin 'Pigman' Gayner. A great match against Sam 'Curly Bastard' Breen saw them go to one each before Pigman won the final game 11-9.

This looks nice doesn't it? A man and a woman in their prime enjoying a post sex game of Water Pong in the comfort of their own swimming pool. If you go down to the Theatre of Tears Ping Pong Arena at Karmarama Villas you will find it's not a million miles away from this picture. Burst pipes allegedly, so currently the room is out of commission which will no doubt mean a delay to matches in both leagues. I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED.
We are working on it.

For those of you that didn't know, the Karmarama Ping Pong club is steeped in tradition and heritage. That's why we set up a website to celebrate everything about the club and also allow civilians the chance to purchase exclusive club merchandise and also take advantage of our coaching facilities. Check it.

Having successfully re-negotiated our substantial sponsorship deal with the NINTENDO VIDEO GAMES company of Japan, the new club shirts will hopefully be arriving next week. They are free to club members and will be available to buy on the website (
Please contact me with your size, S,M,L XL.

It's that time of year again. As the mornings get nippy, teh evening are dark and all you can smell is CHACK!!! It can only mean one thing. PING PONG SEASON.
Maybe now is the time to start that training regime, and burn off that blubber that has been building up over the summer. CALL SHERWIN ON 07545581634 NOW!
The season starts next week, but the hand books have been delayed at the printers so a fixture list will appear soon.
Stand by your beds.
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